Uses Crt; Const Vel=3; Var Pole:array[1..Vel,1..Vel] of integer; a,b,c,d,c0,d0,i,o,k,l:integer; Begin Clrscr; for b:=1 to vel do for a:=1 to vel do begin Readln(c);Pole[a,b]:=c; end; For b:=1 to vel do begin c:=Pole[1,b];d:=c;c0:=1;d0:=1; For a:=1 to vel Do Begin If Pole[a,b]d then Begin d:=Pole[a,b];d0:=a;End; End; i:=Pole[d0,1];o:=1; k:=Pole[c0,1];l:=1; For a:=1 to Vel Do Begin If Pole[d0,a]>i then Begin i:=Pole[d0,a];o:=a;End; If Pole[c0,a]>k then Begin k:=Pole[c0,a];l:=a;End; End; if b=o then Writeln('Sedlovì bod: [',d0,' , ', o, ']',' = ',POle[d0,o]); if b=l then Writeln('Sedlovì bod: [',c0,' , ', l, ']',' = ',POle[c0,l]); End; ReaDKEY; End.